You love Netflix movies, but every weekend struggle to find good movies and TV shows. Upflix mobile app can help you with this problem. It makes it very easy to find  and add movies in your Netflix list.

As soon as new movie or shows are added by Netflix, Upflix will notify you. Once you go into the application, it will show you the list of recently added items, with ratings from IMDB, Flixter and Rotten Tomatoes.


You can click on the movie titles and view the details (either read synopsis or watch trailer). This makes it very easy to decide which ones you want to watch and which ones you should skip.

If you liked a movie, you can either play it on your phone, or you can add it to your Netflix list for watching later.

Upflix is available for both iOS and Android. However it is ad supported and shows some full screen ads. You can get rid of ads by paying $0.99.

If you are a regular Netflix user, $1 is well justified for an app which you will be using multiple times in a week.