FriendlyLogoThe official Facebook app used to be the best Facebook app on iPhone. But with time it has grown in to a bloated app hogging a lot of memory space.

On top of that they recently removed support for messages and now they are busy forcing users to install it’s messaging app.

Friendly is a lightweight alternative app for Facebook. Its own size is around 10MB and even after daily use it will not occupy much space on your iPhone.

Friendly has got all the features which you get on official app such as News feed, share status and photos, check-in, open and manage Pages etc.

However Friendly app is not only as good as the official Facebook app, its better than the official app. Following are the main attractions which makes Friendly app to be the best alternative Facebook app on iPhone-

 1) Messages –

Facebook has recently removed this from their app.



2) Screen orientation lock –

Lock orientation of Friendly using this additional option without activating orientation lock for iPhone. This helps to lock your view either in vertical mode or horizontal mode.



3) Theme Colors –

Friendly supports themes, allowing you to change color of the application.



4) Sort News Feed –

You can sort Facebook stories either by Most Recent or by Top Stories.



5) Switch Accounts –

Easily switch between multiple Facebook accounts.



6) Ad Block –

Block Facebook ads and view Facebook feed without ads.



7) Passcode Protection –

Set 4 digit passcode to prevent unauthorized access of your Facebook account.


Friendly is a well thought and well designed app which will make you like it more every time when you try a new feature. Even advance features like accessing your Facebook Groups and Pages, adding emoticons and editing comments were easy to achieve.

Friendly is available for iOS only as ad based free version or ad free paid version. Have you ever felt the need of an alternative lightweight mobile app for Facebook, share your comments.